Going Home Prayer
God is with you right now, even in this hour, at this precise moment, in this place, with you right now, whispering to your soul “You are welcome, whenever you are ready to come Home”.
God, in this moment makes all paths clear, all roads straight, saying “Make way for my beloved, who chooses to come Home to God”.
This prayer is offered for you, for your wonderful soul, as you embark on the most joyful journey you have ever taken, filled with wondrous surprises. A journey into the greatest happiness you have ever known and the grandest experience you will ever have.
Dream now of glorious things, Dream of every wish come true. Dream of every pain disappearing, of everything of which time has robbed you being given back to you again. Dream of seeing loved ones once more, all those who have gone before. Know for a certainty that when you leave here you will again be with all those who have held a place in your heart. And do not worry about those you leave behind, for you will see them again, too…and love them too, through all eternity as in the present moment, for there can be no separation where there is love. You are Eternal and so too are those you love.
Smile then, at the joyful anticipation of what is in store. These gifts have been laid up for you and God has only been waiting for you to return Home to receive them.
Peace, joy and love are you and are yours, now and always. So it is and so it shall be, forever and ever. Amen.