Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
Martin Luther King
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
Martin Luther King
You may feel you know everything, but do you know yourself?
Would you recognise your soul in the dark?Unknown
Become a warrior of Life, using Wisdom as armour,
Knowledge as a shield and Truth as your shining sword.Unknown
As a warrior fight no others but fight your own conditioning,
your own hormones, your own weaknesses.Unknown
Understand the law of 'cause and effect'.
We can too often be deceived by outer appearances.
Encountering and overcoming obstacles is growth opportunity
for yourself and your soul. Always choose the
kind / wise / loving solutions.Unknown
Never criticize, condemn, gossip or say an unkind word
against another, nor harbour hatred, resentment or revenge,
all are tools which darken the soul.Unknown
If people have no inner peace
how are they to find it outside of themselves?Unknown
Find your own faith through study, see what your soul recognises
and what it rejects.Unknown
Knowledge is Light
(Your Soul cannot grow if it doesn't know)Unknown
Do not look for your identity in the way others respond to you.
We feed our bodies and we can also feed our souls
with prayers, positive thoughts, words and deeds.Unknown
We all have choices in life; we can choose to be kind or cruel, forgiving
or vengeful, generous or miserly, compassionate or judgemental,
what would you choose?Unknown
The strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive
yourself or another person.Unknown